Ultra filtration ( UF ) method is an excellent membrane technology enabling the most reliable solution to produce water that meets the highest standards for turbidity and microbiology. It is a pressure-driven, physical separation of materials from a feed solution that rejects all solutes ranging in size from > 0.02 microns.
UF systems can be used either for process water, potable water, sea water pre-treatment or waste water. Compared to conventional methods, they require smaller installation area, offer full automation of the operation and produce very high quality water. All of our systems combine space-saving design, high resistance to physical
& chemical constraints and constant operation performance.
According to the type of process ( waste water reuse, sea water or food ap- plications ) we apply most appropriate designs ; inside-out or outside-in flows, vertical or horizontal module placement, 60 to 80 m2 membrane active area, etc…
Our pre-engineered modular concepts offer skid mount, compact solutions ( for membrane modules, instrumentation, pumps and the control panel ) making them the ideal option for containerization while maintaining high output capacities
- Polymeric fibers offering high resistance to physical & chemical constraints
and constant operation performance. Nominal pore size : 0,02 or 0,03 µ Material : PES or PVDF
- Increased active membrane area per module for higher flows : 60 to 80 m2
- Tolerance to a wide range of pH
- Piping Material : PVC, HDPE or Stainless steel options for hydraulic conducts
( conform to related EN norm )
- Instrumentation : Pressure gauges & transmitters, Flow, pH & ORP analyzers,
Turbidity analyzer (optional)
- CEB unit for periodic membrane cleaning with specific chemicals. Optional
separate CEB station as a pre-assembled PE ( polyethylene ) structure containing chemical dosing units and their instrumentation also available
- AISI 316 quality Backwash ( BW ) & CEB Pumps ( standard models )
- VFD ( Variable Frequency Drive ) for BW/CEB pump ( standard models )
- Carbon steel skid paint with non solvent epoxy ( AISI 304 option available )
- Fully automatic system operation. Control of the system components ensured
by industrial type PLC ( Programmable Logic Controller ) via touch screen HMI
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