Electro-deionization ( EDI & CEDI ) Systems


Ultrapure water (also UPW or high-purity water) is water that has been treated to the highest levels of purity for all contaminant types, including : organic and inorganic compounds, dissolved and particulate matter, dissolved gases, etc..

A wide variety of industries & applications including food,cosmetic, harmaceutical, optic, microelectronic or combined-cycled power generation use UPW in their process.

A typical UPW production system has three stages:

A pretreatment stage for elimination of physical impurities, organic compounds and color ;

Generally consisting of ( but not limited to ) media ( MM ) filtration, activated carbon ( AC ) filtration, microfiltration or ultrafiltration ( UF )

A primary stage to further purify the water ;

A single or double pass reverse osmosis ( RO ) system which removes an important part of dissolved material and microbiological activity

A polishing stage, the most performing part of the treatment process ;

Deionization ( DI ) or electro-deionization ( EDI or CEDI )

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